Tag Archives: Root Canal treatments

Root Canal Treatment and Gum Treatment in New Delhi

A root canal is a procedure in which a tooth infection affects the nerve in the tooth. Generally, there is pain and swelling in the area. The infection can be the result of a tooth crack, cavity, or injury.In such cases, a root canal treatment can save your tooth. Without treatment, the tooth may become so damaged that it might need to be removed.

The root canal is a very delicate area inside a tooth which consists mainly of the pulp. This pulp is rich in nerves, which is responsible for the various sensations in the teeth. If this area gets infected by bacteria or other germs, it could result in severe pain and discomfort. Hence, proper care is recommended.Root canal treated teeth are weaker and more brittle than normal. Hence is important to place a crown/ cap over it to reinforce the tooth.

Root canal TreatmentRoot canal treatment in New Delhi is becoming more common and popular. Advanced root canal techniques using rotary instruments have made the treatment painless and comfortable to the patient. Proper sterilization techniques are followed and single visit advanced root canal treatments in India are gaining importance.

Gum treatmentGum treatment in New Delhi is also a common dental procedure. If you have a persistent bad taste in the mouth, bleeding from gums, generalized teeth sensitivity or swelling around the gums, consult our gum specialist at ‘32 Smile Stone’ today. Do not delay in getting your gums checked as gum diseases can spread quickly. If un-treated it can result in bone loss and ultimately loss of the tooth.